Evolution Calculator
The increase in the temperature of matter gradually destroys it, transferring it to less organized, less levels of evolution. It can be assumed that this process is reversible. And with a sufficiently sparing, slow cooling of matter, it will move to higher levels of organization. Figuratively speaking, when matter cools, it will precipitate higher forms. Or it will crystallize higher forms of matter.
On Earth, the temperature is controlled by the Sun, more precisely, the distance from the Sun to the Earth. Even more precisely - the distance from the Sun to the regions of the Earth in winter. When life in the regions is especially vulnerable and dependent, for example, from the depth of soil freezing. On the simulator (calculator) below, we can not only observe the process of "precipitation" of higher forms of matter, but also intervene by removing or bringing the Sun closer to the Earth

--------- Fish ---------- Amphibians -------- Mammals ------------------ Monkeys --------------- People ------
Thus, too warm winters in the regions limit the positive evolution. In other words, the climatic ceiling of the positive evolution of the region is equal to winter temperatures (more precisely, the temperature of the coldest month of the year), taken with a negative sign. That is, the warmer the winters, the lower the ceiling of evolution, the ceiling of independent development. And this applies not only to the biosphere, but also to the technosphere.
Too much cold can freeze or even disrupt the process of positive evolution. They are the more dangerous, the less developed organisms or technologies. Migration from warm neighboring regions helps to recover faster after a cold disruption of evolution. Watch old version video (russian)