Racial Calculator
This is a calculator for the effects of climate on human anatomy. The climate can be changed with sliders. Or show a point on a large physical map of Afro-Eurasia, or on a small moisture map.
Or buttons below that "know" the place on the map
We see a large bump map and a small moisture map. The climate changes the anatomy of the population for about 20 thousand years. The climate can be specified by a point on the map or sliders, or buttons with fixed coordinates. Australia and both Americas are not indicated for the sake of simplicity of the program and due to the limited evolutionary process on small continents. "↔" button toggles full screen mode on and off.
Closer to the jungle, the size of the lower part of the face, nostrils, mouth and lips increases. If the equator is covered with a rainforest, the sun's rays penetrate little to the earth and the skin is somewhat lightened.
To the east, due to the rotation of the Earth, the continentality of the climate increases. To protect against temperature changes, the shape of the head becomes more spherical, the face and eyes are filled with heat-insulating subcutaneous fat. The body is saturated with carotene to increase endurance.
The dry air of the Arctic Circle, mountains, deserts increases the nose for additional humidification of the air. Except in the east, where moisture is achieved by lengthening the intracranial nasal passages.
The tallest people live in the steppes (savannas) of the equator, in eastern equatorial Africa. They also have maximum pigmentation, almost purple. Despite the equatorial location, the climate there is quite continental, which did not allow the development of a wide nose with a stereoscopic sense of smell and powerful lips playing (?) the role of a third hand.
Very close, on the western equator of Africa, live the smallest people. They were made small by rainforests, in which a person of ordinary height cannot survive. And dwarfism increases survival. Examples of partial dwarfism can be observed in the sharply continental climate of East Asia. And especially in the jungles of Vietnam.
A little further from the equator live lighter than the Nilotic people, the Bantu people. Growth is no longer the highest. To the east, where the climate of Africa is slightly more continental, the beginnings of Mongoloidity are observed in the structure of the head (Somalia, Madagascar with the adjacent coast of Africa).
More farther from the equator (northern and southern edge of Africa), the skin is noticeably lighter (Bushmen and Hottentots in the south and Berbers in the north).
A landmark of Africa is the mountainous country of Ethiopia. It enjoys a rather cool and continental climate, making it an oasis of relatively advanced intelligence (and Christianity) in Africa. The anatomy of the face is already almost acquiring European tender features. But the pigmentation is strong because of the thin atmosphere over this sublime country.
The classical Mongoloidity of East Asia, due to the circumspherical shape of the head and the "immersion" of the nasal passages, has a small snub nose. But in dry, mountainous or cold regions, it grows, acquiring a straight back. More developed noses (with a hump) can be found in them, but rarely. Usually in old age, as the nose (and jaws) grows throughout life.
The shortest and thinnest hair is observed at the equator. A small thickness is accompanied by an increase in ovality, which automatically leads to curling of the hair. Further from the equator, the thickness and length of the hair increases. Short thick natural curls are first replaced by wavy hair of medium length and thickness, and then by straight long and thick ones. This reduces the pigmentation of the stripes, they become lighter. In Europe, hair is already quite long and blond.
In northern Europe, with the mild maritime climate of the Gulf Stream and usually cloudy skies, hair, eyes and skin are as bright as possible. This is the most poorly pigmented region of the planet. To the east of Europe, the continentality of the climate increases. Which requires strengthening the body with the antioxidant carotene. Which has an orange color and increases the pigmentation of the body. Eyes, hair and skin darken again, but not to the same extent as at the equator.
The beard and mustache, when viewed from the equator, initially follow the same patterns as the hair on the head. At first, they consist of short thin and, accordingly, curly hair. Then, further from the equator, the hair becomes longer, thicker and with a smooth wave. The beard and mustache reach their maximum length in the subtropics and temperate latitudes of Europe. They begin to break through even among women (see documentary photos of the harems of the Turkish Sultan on the Internet).
In colder climates, beards and mustaches become covered with frost and can no longer protect against the cold. Here, nature moves to the Mongoloid anatomy - a spherical body shape with a decrease in protruding parts and a gradual replacement of facial hair with subcutaneous fat. Therefore, with an increase in cold weather or simply continental climate, the beard and mustache recede - they shorten, become thinner, curl.
An indicator of positive evolution is the large volume of the brain and the size of the eyeballs. With the positive evolution of man, the brain replaced the muscles, and vision replaced the sense of smell. The engine of positive evolution is moderate cold. Near the equator, the population usually has a small brain volume and poor vision (night blindness). Farther from the equator, the brain (and eyeballs?) grows (?), reaching its maximum size in the Eskimos.
At the same time, with too severe frosts, the quality of brain growth decreases. The increase is (?) more at the expense of the ancient departments. Perhaps the neurons become, as when approaching the equator, larger and with thicker impact-resistant shells. Therefore, the Mongoloid brain is not (?) better than the European one. Perhaps the most developed brain was possessed by the Aryans, who originated just on the border between the Caucasoid and Mongoloid areas.
An indicator of positive evolution is not only the development of the brain, but also the ability to upright posture and, accordingly, upright posture. Observation of the anatomy of the peoples shows that the (?) Eastern Slavs have the most powerful leg muscles. Because of what they have a waist and are not able to take a Turkish pose. In a radius from them, the power of the leg muscles and the thickness of the hips decrease. The ability to walk upright/upright is reduced. What was reflected in religions ("standing" religion is only East Slavic Orthodoxy ") and in the gait of the population of the regions.
Another (average) indicator of positive evolution is the shortening of the ring finger and the growth of the index finger.
Usually, the less developed the animal, the longer the ring finger compared to the index finger. And vice versa. The index finger grows and approaches the length of the ring finger in the population of Africa.
And even stronger - among the population of Eurasia. It is noteworthy that in women of Eurasia, the index finger is even sometimes longer than the ring finger.
This, along with smoother contours and reduced knurling for tendon attachment, is indicative of more evolutionarily developed (except for the brain?) anatomy of a woman.
Which has evolved not only under the protection of the technosphere, but also under the protection of men.
An indirect indicator of positive evolution is the refusal to increase growth with the help of a headdress. Among the Eastern Slavs, this instinctive technology was preserved only in the social bottom (church) and in the profession of maximum risk (army). The religion of the Eastern Slavs, Orthodoxy, is the only (?) in the world that calls on men to take off their hats in the absence of frost.
If we consider the population of one region, then usually the higher the evolutionary level (intelligence level) of its individual representatives, the less their pigmentation. And vice versa. In the lexicon, this pattern was fixed in the words "niello" (strong pigmentation?) And "blue blood" (weak pigmentation - blood vessels shine through the translucent skin).
The higher the level of pigmentation of the body, the more the retina is pigmented, especially its lower half, where the bright sky is projected. In low concentrations, the pigment is an orange light filter.
As a result, the underdeveloped segments of the population of the region and the population of the southern regions no longer clearly see the blue color (becomes gray), and a separate word for this color disappears in their languages. Probably, in this regard, in Russia for several centuries there were two state flags in parallel - "yellow" for ordinary people and "blue" for the educated. Partly for the same reason, in the Russian troubled era of the first half of the 20th century, the red banner was popular.
By the way, the "gay" rainbow banner isn't blue either. Probably because his followers do not usually belong to the most developed part of the population.
The closer to the equator, the denser the orange "light filter" in the retina. And vision from color is gradually approaching (?) To black-red.
There is a hypothesis that civilization surrounds a person with a warm microclimate, that is, "artificial jungle". As a result, its pigmentation increases. For example, according to some reports, over the past millennium in Italy, the number of blondes has greatly decreased. And from the banners of the German principalities, the previously beloved blue color gradually almost disappeared.
The division into races, that is, subspecies is not an exclusive feature of humans and is common among animals. For example, Mongoloid features (roundness of the skull, etc.) are more noticeable in mountain goats of the eastern Caucasus than in the western. Siberian sable with valuable fur and more rounded forms is the "Asian race" of the European marten. And so next. Characteristic "racial" differences are observed not only between the higher monkeys of Africa and Asia, but also within Africa itself. Differences are also noticeable between the small monkeys of Afro-Eurasia (monkeys-macaques).
You can pay attention to the seasonal change in the "race" of animals - the replacement of fur with a longer and thicker one, as well as the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in autumn. Even more remarkable is Denel's phenomenon in shrews. Shrews become smaller by winter and their skull becomes flatter. In the spring, the shape of the skull and dimensions are restored. The more severe the climate, the more pronounced this phenomenon.